As of last Tuesday, a lot of progress had been made by contractor, although they are obviously (as seen in the pictures below) right in the middle of this work. In projects such as this, much of the work is in improving capabilities that are hidden by walls and ceilings in the finished structure. The finish work happens at the end and takes much less time than the infrastructure improvements to convert the building from use as an office building for a small organization to a building used by the public with much higher occupancy and more diverse activities.
WIth those caveats in mind (and expectations properly managed :-), here are a set of photographs with captions from the tour. So that you can orient yourself, I have split the photos into three galleries corresponding to the three floors of the building and provided a plan for each floor with numbered arrows that show from where each picture was taken.
Getting Started
You can see captions by moving your pointer over the thumbnails below. Click on a thumbnail to see an enlargement which you will also see the captions. Once viewing an enlargement you can navigate to other enlargements of the same gallery by clicking the left and right pointing arrows (< and >).
Level 1: Entrance
Level 2
Level 0
As a member of the ad hoc Community Center Advisory Committee who has been thinking about this rennovation for several years (and I'm a short timer compared to some of the other people involved in this effort) I can say that I was very pleased with what I saw on our tour. There were no surprises -- and that is good because it means that the contractors have done an excellent job of implementing the ideas that we have come up with for the LexCC. I can't wait until June!